Mission Statement
The intended results of SOLUTIθNS™ (SOLUTIONS SERVICE SYSTEMS™) is to create a dynamic, global, societal condition where by at least nine out of every ten (10) people in the world experience and obviously demonstrate a measured sense of inner peace on the average of twenty-one point six (21.6) hours of every day.
A lofty goal — to be sure. Impossible? Maybe. Worth being in action to make it happen? Absolutely! Why? Because even if we don’t meet the mission goal of 90% of the world’s population, our efforts will make a difference to some portion of the world’s population.
The World Population Clock estimates there are 7.860+ billion people on the planet. If only 40% met the conditions of the mission statement, almost 3 billion people would “demonstrate a measured sense of inner peace”. Would that kind of difference make this mission worth the effort? You bet!
So come help us make a real difference to the people of this planet! Start by signing up for our Solutions Mailing List and by exploring other sections of our website. And ask questions or make requests by going to the Contact Page.
Website pages provide more details about the intended results in the following areas:
- Ethical Integrity
- Supportive Intimacy
- Mutual Comradeship
- Resource Sufficiency
- Physical Well-Being
- Cultural Literacy
The Posts Page offers Posted Articles by various authors about the state of our mission and of the world. Articles will be posted on a regular basis, so be sure to return to the website frequently.
The Market Space pages offers products and services that our members desire and that support our mission.
And finally, the About pages provide more detailed information about our principals and partners. And the Contact Page provides an easy method for you to contact us to ask questions, offer feedback and make requests.